Uses of Class

Packages that use NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode
sky.monome.event.sequencer Package of all classes relative to sequencer events. 

Uses of NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode in sky.monome.event.sequencer

Methods in sky.monome.event.sequencer that return NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode
 NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode NotePlayerListener.getPlayerMode()
          Returns the player mode used by this note player listener.
static NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode[] NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in sky.monome.event.sequencer with parameters of type NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode
 void NotePlayerListener.setPlayerMode(NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode playerMode)
          Sets the player mode to use in this note player listener.

Constructors in sky.monome.event.sequencer with parameters of type NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode
NotePlayerListener(Scale scale, MidiNote baseNote, S sequencer, NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode playerMode, java.lang.Object... arguments)
          Constructs a note player listener with the specified scale, the specified base note, the specified sequencer, the specified player mode, and specified arguments.