Deprecated API

Deprecated Classes
          Since SkyMonome v1.1, it is recommended to use the PassiveBehavior class instead of this one. 

Deprecated Fields
          Since SkyMonome v1.3, this constant field is not used anymore. 
          Since SkyMonome v1.1, this field is not used anymore. Please use the field group instead. 
          Since SkyMonome v1.1, this field is not used anymore. Please use the field members instead. 

Deprecated Methods
          With a radio group, it is recommended to use the addRadio(T) method instead of this one. 
sky.monome.MultiSequencerGroup.SpecificSequencerGroup.getButtonManager(Class, int)
          Since this class implements an interface that is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManager(int) instead. 
sky.monome.SequencerGroup.getButtonManager(Class, int)
          Since this class implements an interface that is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManager(int) instead. 
sky.monome.SequencerPageSwitcher.getButtonManager(Class, int)
          Since it is more logical to use getButtonManagerForPage(Class,SequencerPage,int) to specify the page on which you want the button manager. 
sky.monome.SequencerPageSwitcher.SequencerPage.getButtonManager(Class, int)
          Since this class implements an interface that is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManager(int) instead. 
sky.monome.event.sequencer.SequencerComponent.getButtonManager(Class, int)
          Since this interface is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManager(int) instead. 
          Since it is more logical to use getButtonManagerForPage(SequencerPage,int) to specify the page on which you want the button manager. 
sky.monome.SequencerPageSwitcher.getButtonManagerForPage(Class, SequencerPageSwitcher.SequencerPage, int)
          Since this class implements an interface that is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManagerForPage(SequencerPage,int) instead. 
          Since it is more logical to use getButtonManagersForPage(SequencerPage) to specify the page on which you want button managers. 
          Since this class implements an interface that is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManagers() instead. 
          Since this class implements an interface that is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManagers() instead. 
          Since it is more logical to use getButtonManagersForPage(Class,SequencerPage) to specify the page on which you want button managers. 
          Since this class implements an interface that is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManagers() instead. 
          Since this interface is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManagers() instead. 
sky.monome.SequencerPageSwitcher.getButtonManagersForPage(Class, SequencerPageSwitcher.SequencerPage)
          Since this class implements an interface that is parametrized, it is recommended to use getButtonManagerForPage(SequencerPage,int) instead. 
          With a radio, it is recommended to use the getRadioGroup() method instead of this one. 
sky.monome.behavior.AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup.notify(T, ButtonEvent.ButtonAction)
          With a radio group, it is recommended to use the notify(T) method instead of this one, because radio groups are notified only with button press actions. 
sky.monome.frame.AbstractWindow.set(int, int, LedButtonCouple.LedState)
          Since it is recommended to set led states directly on the viewed frame with setOnFrame(int,int,LedState) method. 
sky.monome.util.SynchronizedList.subList(int, int)
          Since the sublist will share the same internal data, there will be no consistent synchronization anymore by manipulating the sublist. 

Deprecated Constructors
sky.monome.AbstractGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.AbstractPageSwitcher(String, Container, int, int, int, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.Analog(String, Container, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.Component(String, Container, int, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.Container(String, Container, int, int, int, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.FrameGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.FrameGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Frame)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.Group(String, Container, int, int, int, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.HookAnalog(String, Container, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.LedButtonCouple(String, Container, int, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.LedButtonCouple(String, Container, int, int, Behavior)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.LedButtonCouple(String, Container, int, int, BehaviorFactory)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.LedButtonGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, BehaviorFactory)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.LedButtonGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Class, Object...)
          Since SkyMonome v1.1, it is preferred to use the LedButtonGroup(String,Container,int,int,int,int,BehaviorFactory) constructor instead of this one. 
sky.monome.MultiSequencerGroup.SpecificSequencerGroup(String, int, int, int, int, float, int, SequenceIterator)
          Since tempo and divisions parameters are not used at all, so it is recommended to use the SpecificSequencerGroup(String,int,int,int,int,SequenceIterator) constructor instead of this one. 
sky.monome.MultiSequencerGroup.SpecificSequencerGroup(String, int, int, int, int, float, int, SequenceIteratorFactory)
          Since tempo and divisions parameters are not used at all, so it is recommended to use the SpecificSequencerGroup(String,int,int,int,int,SequenceIteratorFactory) constructor instead of this one. 
sky.monome.MultiSequencerGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, Class>)
          Since SkyMonome v1.1, it is preferred to use the MultiSequencerGroup(String,Container,int,int,int,int,SequencerOrientation,float,int,SequenceIteratorFactory) constructor instead of this one. 
sky.monome.MultiSequencerGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, SequenceIteratorFactory)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.Page(String, PageSwitcher)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.PageSwitcher(String, Container, int, int, int, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.SequencerGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, int, boolean)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.SequencerGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, int, boolean, SequenceIterator)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.SequencerGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, int, boolean, SequenceIterator, SequencerEngine)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.SequencerGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, int, boolean, SequenceIteratorFactory)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.SequencerGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, int, boolean, SequenceIteratorFactory, SequencerEngine)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.SequencerGroup(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, int, boolean, SequencerEngine)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.SequencerPageSwitcher(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, int, boolean, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.SequencerPageSwitcher(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, int, boolean, int, SequenceIterator)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.SequencerPageSwitcher(String, Container, int, int, int, int, Sequencer.SequencerOrientation, float, int, int, boolean, int, SequenceIteratorFactory)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor. 
sky.monome.StrictPageSwitcher(String, Container, int, int, int, int)
          Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor.