Uses of Class

Packages that use Scale
sky.monome.event.sequencer Package of all classes relative to sequencer events. 
sky.monome.util.scale Package of various utilities around musical scales and notes. 

Uses of Scale in sky.monome.event.sequencer

Methods in sky.monome.event.sequencer that return Scale
 Scale NotePlayerListener.getScale()
          Returns the scale played by this note player listener.

Methods in sky.monome.event.sequencer with parameters of type Scale
 void NotePlayerListener.setScale(Scale scale)
          Sets the scale to be played by this note player listener.

Constructors in sky.monome.event.sequencer with parameters of type Scale
NotePlayerListener(Scale scale, MidiNote baseNote, S sequencer, NotePlayerListener.PlayerMode playerMode, java.lang.Object... arguments)
          Constructs a note player listener with the specified scale, the specified base note, the specified sequencer, the specified player mode, and specified arguments.

Uses of Scale in sky.monome.util.scale

Fields in sky.monome.util.scale with type parameters of type Scale
static java.util.Comparator<Scale> ScaleFactory.INTERVAL_SUM_COMPARATOR
          A comparator for scales that will sort scales by interval sum.
static java.util.Comparator<Scale> ScaleFactory.NAME_COMPARATOR
          A comparator for scales that will sort scales alphabetically.
static java.util.Comparator<Scale> ScaleFactory.NOTES_NUMBER_IN_OCTAVE_COMPARATOR
          A comparator for scales that will sort scales by notes number in octave.

Methods in sky.monome.util.scale that return Scale
static Scale ScaleFactory.createAeolianScale()
          Returns an aeolian scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createBluesPentatonicScale()
          Returns a blues pentatonic scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createBluesScale()
          Returns a blues scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createDiatonicScale()
          Returns a diatonic scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createDorianScale()
          Returns a dorian scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createHarmonicMinorScale()
          Returns a harmonic minor scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createIonianScale()
          Returns an ionian scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createLocrianScale()
          Returns a locrian scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createLydianScale()
          Returns a lydian scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createMajorPentatonicScale()
          Returns a major pentatonic scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createMajorScale()
          Returns a major scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createMelodicMinorScale()
          Returns a melodic minor scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createMinorPentatonicScale()
          Returns a minor pentatonic scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createMinorScale()
          Returns a minor scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createMixolydianScale()
          Returns a mixolydian scale.
static Scale ScaleFactory.createPhrygianScale()
          Returns a phrygian scale.
static Scale[] ScaleFactory.getAllScales()
          Returns an array of all existing scales sorted in an arbitrary order.
static Scale[] ScaleFactory.getAllScales(java.util.Comparator<? super Scale>... comparators)
          Returns a sorted array of all existing scales.