Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup
sky.monome.behavior Package of all behaviors. 

Uses of AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup in sky.monome.behavior

Classes in sky.monome.behavior with type parameters of type AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup
 class AbstractRadio<T extends AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup<?,T>>
          Behavior that creates mutual selections/unselections, like radio fields in a form.
static class AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup<T extends AbstractRadio<G>,G extends AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup<T,G>>
          Radio group which is responsible for the permanent exclusivity of the last pressed radio button.

Subclasses of AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup in sky.monome.behavior
static class OptionalRadio.OptionalRadioGroup
          Optional radio group which is responsible for the permanent exclusivity of the last pressed optional radio button.
static class Radio.RadioGroup
          Radio group which is responsible for the permanent exclusivity of the last pressed radio button.
static class SequencerRadio.SequencerRadioGroup
          Sequencer radio group which is responsible for the permanent exclusivity of the last pressed sequencer radio button.

Fields in sky.monome.behavior declared as AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup
protected  T AbstractRadio.radioGroup
          Deprecated. Since SkyMonome v1.1, this field is not used anymore. Please use the field group instead.