Package sky.monome.behavior

Package of all behaviors.


Interface Summary
Behavior Led behavior.

Class Summary
AbstractRadio<T extends AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup<?,T>> Behavior that creates mutual selections/unselections, like radio fields in a form.
AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup<T extends AbstractRadio<G>,G extends AbstractRadio.AbstractRadioGroup<T,G>> Radio group which is responsible for the permanent exclusivity of the last pressed radio button.
BlinkingLight Behavior for blinking light.
BlinkingLightOnPush Behavior for blinking light when the button is pushed.
DynamicBehavior Behavior that can make animation in time, like blinking effect.
LightOnPush Behavior that changes the led state accordingly to the button state, in a monostable manner.
Member<G extends Member.Group<?,G>> Member behavior.
Member.Group<M extends Member<G>,G extends Member.Group<M,G>> Group of members which is responsible for a common behavior between all associated members.
OptionalRadio Behavior that creates mutual selections/unselections, like radio fields in a form.
OptionalRadio.OptionalRadioGroup Optional radio group which is responsible for the permanent exclusivity of the last pressed optional radio button.
Pad Pad behavior.
Pad.PadGroup Group of pads which is responsible for the synchronization between all associated pads.
PassiveBehavior Led behavior that does nothing when it is notified and does nothing at the initialization.
Radio Behavior that creates mutual selections/unselections, like radio fields in a form.
Radio.RadioGroup Radio group which is responsible for the permanent exclusivity of the last pressed radio button.
SequencerRadio Behavior that creates mutual selections/unselections, like radio fields in a form.
SequencerRadio.SequencerRadioGroup Sequencer radio group which is responsible for the permanent exclusivity of the last pressed sequencer radio button.
StaticBehavior Behavior that has no animation in time.
Toggle Toggle behavior.

Enum Summary
DynamicBehavior.DynamicBehaviorType Type of dynamicity.
LightOnPush.LightOnPushType Type of behavior.
PassiveBehavior.PassivityType Type of passivity.
Toggle.ToggleType Type of behavior.

Package sky.monome.behavior Description

Package of all behaviors.