Uses of Class

Packages that use LedButtonCouple
sky.monome Main package of SkyMonome library. 
sky.monome.behavior Package of all behaviors. 
sky.monome.layer Package of all modification layers. 

Uses of LedButtonCouple in sky.monome

Methods in sky.monome that return LedButtonCouple
 LedButtonCouple LedButtonGroup.getLedButtonCouple(int x, int y)
          Returns the led/button couple at specified local coordinates.
 LedButtonCouple[] LedButtonGroup.getLedButtonCouples()
          Returns an array of all contained led/button couples.
 LedButtonCouple[] MultiSequencerGroup.SpecificSequencerGroup.getLedButtonCouples()
          Returns an array of all led/button couples contained by this specific sequencer group.
 LedButtonCouple[] SequencerGroup.getLedButtonCouples()
          Returns an array of all led/button couples.

Methods in sky.monome with parameters of type LedButtonCouple
 void LedButtonGroup.addLedButtonCouple(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Adds the specified led/button couple to the list of contained led/button couples.
protected  void MultiSequencerGroup.SpecificSequencerGroup.addLedButtonCouple(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Adds the specified led/button couple to the list of led/button couples.
protected  void SequencerGroup.addLedButtonCouple(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Adds the specified led/button couple to the list of led/button couples.
protected  void SequencerPageSwitcher.SequencerPage.addLedButtonCouple(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Adds the specified led/button couple to the list of led/button couples.
 void LedButtonCouple.fireButtonActionned(LedButtonCouple buttonManager, ButtonEvent.ButtonAction buttonAction)
          Notifies all the listeners that a new button action occured.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState MultiSequencerGroup.SpecificSequencerGroup.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState SequencerGroup.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState SequencerPageSwitcher.SequencerPage.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 void LedButtonGroup.removeLedButtonCouple(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Removes the specified led/button couple from the list of contained led/button couples.

Method parameters in sky.monome with type arguments of type LedButtonCouple
 void LedButtonCouple.addButtonListener(ButtonListener<LedButtonCouple> buttonListener)
          Adds the specified listener to the listeners list of this button.
 void LedButtonCouple.removeButtonListener(ButtonListener<LedButtonCouple> buttonListener)
          Removes the specified listener from the listeners list of this button.

Uses of LedButtonCouple in sky.monome.behavior

Subclasses of LedButtonCouple in sky.monome.behavior
protected  class Pad.PadGroup.Lure
          Virtual led/button couple internally associated with the common behavior of the pad group.

Fields in sky.monome.behavior declared as LedButtonCouple
protected  LedButtonCouple DynamicBehavior.ledButtonCouple
          Registered led/button couple.
protected  LedButtonCouple StaticBehavior.ledButtonCouple
          Registered led/button couple.

Methods in sky.monome.behavior that return LedButtonCouple
 LedButtonCouple Behavior.getLedButtonCouple()
          Returns the led/button couple registered with this behavior.
 LedButtonCouple DynamicBehavior.getLedButtonCouple()
          Returns the led/button couple registered with this behavior.
 LedButtonCouple StaticBehavior.getLedButtonCouple()
          Returns the led/button couple registered with this behavior.

Methods in sky.monome.behavior with parameters of type LedButtonCouple
 void Pad.PadGroup.Lure.fireButtonActionned(LedButtonCouple buttonManager, ButtonEvent.ButtonAction buttonAction)
          Notifies all the listeners that a new button action occured.
 void Behavior.setLedButtonCouple(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Modifies the led/button couple registered with this behavior.
 void DynamicBehavior.setLedButtonCouple(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Modifies the led/button couple registered with this behavior.
 void StaticBehavior.setLedButtonCouple(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Modifies the led/button couple registered with this behavior.

Method parameters in sky.monome.behavior with type arguments of type LedButtonCouple
 void Pad.PadGroup.Lure.addButtonListener(ButtonListener<LedButtonCouple> buttonListener)
          Adds the specified listener to the listeners list of this button.
 void Pad.PadGroup.Lure.removeButtonListener(ButtonListener<LedButtonCouple> buttonListener)
          Removes the specified listener from the listeners list of this button.

Uses of LedButtonCouple in sky.monome.layer

Methods in sky.monome.layer with parameters of type LedButtonCouple
 LedButtonCouple.LedState DefaultLedStateModificationLayer.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState InvertedLedStateModificationLayer.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState LedStateModificationLayer.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.