Uses of Interface

Packages that use Frame
sky.monome Main package of SkyMonome library. 
sky.monome.behavior Package of all behaviors. 
sky.monome.frame Package of all classes relative to frames. 

Uses of Frame in sky.monome

Methods in sky.monome with parameters of type Frame
 void FrameGroup.setFrame(Frame frame)
          Modifies the frame that is shown in this frame group.
 void AbstractGroup.writeOn(Frame frame)
          Writes this abstract group on the specified frame in order to refresh the Monome device.
 void AbstractPageSwitcher.writeOn(Frame frame)
          Writes this page switcher on the specified frame in order to refresh the Monome device.
 void Analog.writeOn(Frame frame)
          Writes this analog on the specified frame in order to refresh the Monome device.
abstract  void Component.writeOn(Frame frame)
          Writes this component on the specified frame in order to refresh the Monome device.
 void LedButtonCouple.writeOn(Frame frame)
          Writes this led on the specified frame in order to refresh the Monome device.
 void SequencerPageSwitcher.writeOn(Frame frame)
          Writes this sequencer page switcher on the specified frame in order to refresh the Monome device.
 void StrictPageSwitcher.writeOn(Frame frame)
          Writes this page switcher on the specified frame in order to refresh the Monome device.

Constructors in sky.monome with parameters of type Frame
FrameGroup(java.lang.String name, Container container, int x, int y, int width, int height, Frame frame)
          Deprecated. Since SkyMonome v1.2, all components register themselves inside their container, so you don't need to specify the container by calling this constructor.
FrameGroup(java.lang.String name, int x, int y, int width, int height, Frame frame)
          Constructs a frame group with specified coordinates and dimensions, the specified name and showing the specified frame.

Uses of Frame in sky.monome.behavior

Methods in sky.monome.behavior with parameters of type Frame
 void Pad.PadGroup.Lure.writeOn(Frame frame)
          Writes this led on the specified frame in order to refresh the Monome device.

Uses of Frame in sky.monome.frame

Classes in sky.monome.frame with type parameters of type Frame
 class AbstractFrameWindow<T extends Frame,F extends AbstractFrameWindow<T,F>>
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with a static translation offset.
 class AbstractInertiaFrameWindow<T extends Frame,F extends AbstractInertiaFrameWindow<T,F>>
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with an inertia translation offset.
 class AbstractWindow<T extends Frame,F extends AbstractWindow<T,F>>
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame.

Subinterfaces of Frame in sky.monome.frame
 interface SizedFrame
          Frame that have fixed size.

Classes in sky.monome.frame that implement Frame
 class AbstractFrameWindow<T extends Frame,F extends AbstractFrameWindow<T,F>>
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with a static translation offset.
 class AbstractInertiaFrameWindow<T extends Frame,F extends AbstractInertiaFrameWindow<T,F>>
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with an inertia translation offset.
 class AbstractWindow<T extends Frame,F extends AbstractWindow<T,F>>
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame.
 class BoundedFrameWindow
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with a static translation offset that cannot exceed frame bounds.
 class CharacterFrame
          Frame which displays a character.
 class DefaultFrame
          Sized frame in its simpliest form.
 class FrameWindow
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with a static translation offset and without any mirroring effect at frame bounds.
 class InertiaBoundedFrameWindow
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with an inertia translation offset that cannot exceed frame bounds.
 class InertiaFrameWindow
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with an inertia translation offset and without any mirroring effect at frame bounds.
 class InertiaMirroredFrameWindow
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with an inertia translation offset and with a mirroring effect at frame bounds.
 class MirroredFrameWindow
          Window that makes a movable view over a frame with a static translation offset and with a mirroring effect at frame bounds.
 class PictureFrame
          Frame that displays a RenderedImage.

Fields in sky.monome.frame declared as Frame
protected  T AbstractWindow.frame
          Frame over which this window makes a view.

Constructors in sky.monome.frame with parameters of type Frame
FrameWindow(Frame frame)
          Constructs a frame window with the specified frame and the default window type WindowType.LEDS_OFF_OUTSIDE.
FrameWindow(Frame frame, AbstractWindow.WindowType windowType)
          Constructs a frame window with the specified frame and the specified window type.
InertiaFrameWindow(Frame frame)
          Constructs an intertia frame window with the specified frame and the default window type WindowType.LEDS_OFF_OUTSIDE.
InertiaFrameWindow(Frame frame, AbstractWindow.WindowType windowType)
          Constructs an inertia frame window with the specified frame and the specified window type.