Uses of Class

Packages that use LedButtonCouple.LedState
sky.monome Main package of SkyMonome library. 
sky.monome.behavior Package of all behaviors. 
sky.monome.frame Package of all classes relative to frames. 
sky.monome.frame.analyzer Package of all frame analyzers. 
sky.monome.layer Package of all modification layers. 

Uses of LedButtonCouple.LedState in sky.monome

Fields in sky.monome declared as LedButtonCouple.LedState
protected  LedButtonCouple.LedState LedButtonCouple.ledState
          State of this led.

Methods in sky.monome that return LedButtonCouple.LedState
 LedButtonCouple.LedState LedButtonCouple.getLedState()
          Returns the state of this led.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState MultiSequencerGroup.SpecificSequencerGroup.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState SequencerGroup.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState SequencerPageSwitcher.SequencerPage.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState LedButtonCouple.LedState.invert()
          Returns the inverse of this led state.
static LedButtonCouple.LedState LedButtonCouple.LedState.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static LedButtonCouple.LedState[] LedButtonCouple.LedState.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in sky.monome with parameters of type LedButtonCouple.LedState
 void LedButtonCouple.setLedState(LedButtonCouple.LedState ledState, boolean mustRefresh)
          Modifies the state of this led.

Uses of LedButtonCouple.LedState in sky.monome.behavior

Methods in sky.monome.behavior with parameters of type LedButtonCouple.LedState
 void Pad.PadGroup.Lure.setLedState(LedButtonCouple.LedState ledState, boolean mustRefresh)
          Modifies the state of this led.
protected  void Pad.PadGroup.setLedStates(LedButtonCouple.LedState ledState)
          Sets the led states of all associated pads.

Uses of LedButtonCouple.LedState in sky.monome.frame

Fields in sky.monome.frame declared as LedButtonCouple.LedState
protected  LedButtonCouple.LedState[][] DefaultFrame.matrix
          Led states matrix of this frame.

Methods in sky.monome.frame that return LedButtonCouple.LedState
 LedButtonCouple.LedState BoundedFrameWindow.get(int x, int y)
          Returns the led state at specified coordinates.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState DefaultFrame.get(int x, int y)
          Returns the led state at specified coordinates.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState Frame.get(int x, int y)
          Returns the led state at specified coordinates.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState FrameWindow.get(int x, int y)
          Returns the led state at specified coordinates.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState InertiaBoundedFrameWindow.get(int x, int y)
          Returns the led state at specified coordinates.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState InertiaFrameWindow.get(int x, int y)
          Returns the led state at specified coordinates.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState InertiaMirroredFrameWindow.get(int x, int y)
          Returns the led state at specified coordinates.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState MirroredFrameWindow.get(int x, int y)
          Returns the led state at specified coordinates.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState AbstractWindow.getOnFrame(int x, int y)
          Returns the led state on the viewed frame at specified coordinates.

Methods in sky.monome.frame with parameters of type LedButtonCouple.LedState
 void DefaultFrame.clear(LedButtonCouple.LedState ledState)
          Clears all led states in the matrix of this frame.
 void AbstractWindow.set(int x, int y, LedButtonCouple.LedState ledState)
          Deprecated. Since it is recommended to set led states directly on the viewed frame with setOnFrame(int,int,LedState) method.
 void DefaultFrame.set(int x, int y, LedButtonCouple.LedState ledState)
          Modifies the led state at specified coordinates.
 void Frame.set(int x, int y, LedButtonCouple.LedState ledState)
          Modifies the led state at specified coordinates.
 void AbstractWindow.setOnFrame(int x, int y, LedButtonCouple.LedState ledState)
          Modifies the led state on the viewed frame at specified coordinates.

Uses of LedButtonCouple.LedState in sky.monome.frame.analyzer

Methods in sky.monome.frame.analyzer that return LedButtonCouple.LedState
 LedButtonCouple.LedState MidGreyAnalyzer.getLedStateForPixel(int[] pixel)
          Returns the led state that corresponds to specified Red/Green/Blue informations.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState PictureAnalyzer.getLedStateForPixel(int[] pixel)
          Returns the led state that corresponds to specified Red/Green/Blue informations.

Uses of LedButtonCouple.LedState in sky.monome.layer

Methods in sky.monome.layer that return LedButtonCouple.LedState
 LedButtonCouple.LedState DefaultLedStateModificationLayer.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState InvertedLedStateModificationLayer.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.
 LedButtonCouple.LedState LedStateModificationLayer.getLedStateToShow(LedButtonCouple ledButtonCouple)
          Returns the led state to show instead of the natural led state of the specified led/button couple.